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For you, a thousand times over.
이 공허함을 어찌하면 좋습니까?

University is a very,very lonely place.

People are there,but more lonely I become.

It's like I feel incredebly lonely when I look at all those statuses on SNS.

I just can't get any sense of belonging and love at all here.

I barely make any friends.

In fact, none.(According to my definition of friend)

It's really hard, you know, making friends in uni.

It's just all hello-bye relationships. People never ask you to hang out on weekend.

Or vice versa, I ask, they have no time.


So much sittiing alone and eating alone.

I tried to escape from this feeling by distracting myself like I studied crazily in China.

I filled my empty heart with shopping, and it only lasted a month. 

Now, what should I do?

 I don't think I could overcome this emptiness.

Oh, this depression, another insomnia.


I am all alone here on my bed in dark

can't get in sleep

cried since 2 hours ago

never know when it's gonna stop




2013-03-16 03:46:46

omg! 잘 찾아보면 어디엔가 같은 처지의 친구가 있지 않을까요?
너무 외로워 말아요..이것도 잠시뿐일꺼에요..ㅠㅠ.. 힘내세요 화이팅이에요!

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